Racks in cavern

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Rack distribution in the concrete tunnel:

A concrete tunnel is foreseen to be build under the Rich2. This tunnel might be an interesting possible solution to place the electronics racks and power supplies for the detectors next to it like the OT, the IT, the Rich2 and the Muon M1. From the simulations, it seems that the radiation level and the magnetic stray field in the tunnel is quite limited compared to other places where electronics will have to be located (side of the muon chambers and top of the calorimeter).
It is estimated that the tunnel will be able to house a maximum of 14 standard 41U high racks.

The rack layout in the cavern can be seen here: https://edms.cern.ch/document/615741/1

Location of the concrete tunnel

Rack wizard tool:

A "database viewer" called "rack wizard" is now available to see the rack layout in the counting house. This rack wizard tool allows the users to enter and place all equipment that will take place in the racks and to link those equipments with cables. For the moment, it is still in a final development phase and the users can only use the rack wizard to view the rack layout.

For this, Java 1.4.2 or later must be installed on your computer: https://oraweb.cern.ch/pls/lhcbintegration/docs/EMDH.html (log in as “read only”)

For more information on rack wizard, the LHC group has made two interesting EDMS documents:
    - Introduction presentation :
- User’s guide : https://edms.cern.ch/document/472477/1 


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This page was last modified by VB on July 29, 2005.This page has been accessed Hit Counter number of times