Documents related to LHCb upgrade:
LHCb Upgrade Documents for LHCC |
LHCb Upgrade Letter-of-Intent, CERN-LHCC-2011-001 |
Framework TDR for the LHCb Upgrade |
PID Upgrade TDR |
VELO Upgrade TDR |
Tracker Upgrade TDR |
Electronics Documents |
Electronics Architecture of the LHCb Upgrade, LHCb-PUB-2011-011 |
TFC notes: Readout control specifications for FE and BE |
Front-End and Back-End Data Format of the LHCb Upgrade. CERN EDMS - 2114571, 2019 |
Sub-detector FE and BE data format documents |
LHCb upgrade TELL40 Error Handling |
Readout Board Specifications for the LHCb upgrade |
Specifications of the Silicon Strip Readout Chip (SALT) |
Study from Niko & Guoming on event-builder network (push vs pull) |
Seminar on upgrade architecture |