Grounding of detectors and their electronicsGrounding of detectors and their associated electronics is a complicated and delicate problem in large experiments. The general aim in grounding is to prevent the pick up of noise in sensitive signal connections. Ground loops can potentially between sub-systems can generate parasitic currents which can seriously degrade the correct capture of small signal levels from the detectors. The communication between different parts of the system can also be seriously affected by the build up of common mode voltage difference ( for copper links). In some cases safety regulations for the use of power supplies (especially high voltage) can impose rules that makes it impossible to design the perfect grounding scheme. Existing documents:
Links to drawings:Grounding in the counting house LHCb grounding and EMC workshopGeneral points to be aware of:
More InformationF. Szonsco from CERN has made a web page on EMC F.Szonsco gives a course on EMC problems. His lectures are available directly on the web. Alice has a preliminary grounding policy This page was last modified by JC on
16 May, 2006. This page has been accessed