This page contains pointers to other web sites which may be of interest to designers of electronics for LHCb.
Electronics Steering Committee Agenda Pages
Putting electronics design made with CERN CAE tools on EDMS
(overview of LHCb EDMS documents and LHCb notes related to electronics)
ATLAS general front-end electronics. (many useful links)
ATLAS high speed interconnect,
ATLAS radiation hard/tolerant electronics
ATLAS: ATLAS links, ATLAS high speed interconnect, ATLAS serialisers
TTC (documentation)
TTC support (supply of TTC modules)
Look at power supplies for LHCb
ESS group, radiation tolerant power supplies
JTAG, IEEE 1149: JTAG technologies, Corelis, Intellitech, Texas instruments (search for JTAG or IEEE 1149), Acculogic
JTAG testing tools at CERN
This page was last modified by KW on May 08, 2019. |