Cable Trays

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The chicane through the radiation wall represent the most difficult part in the mechanical point of view. The maximum cross section for the "detectors cables" through the chicane is 70 dm2 on each sides (pass 84 and 86). That's 140 dm2 in total.
It will also be the most complicated place to install the cable trays and then to place the cables into the trays.

A 1/1 scale mock up (model) of the chicane is now available in building 157 to test the disposition of the cable trays and cables (bending radius). All detector groups will be able to test the installation of their cables in the cable trays that have been installed on the chicane mock up.

For the chicane two models of the "Cablofil" cable trays have been choose. They are both 300mm wide with two different heights, 54 and 105 mm, this for an efficiency reason.

Chicane drawing available on EDMS:

To be defined:

Preliminary sketches (cross section view) of the cable trays distribution in the chicane:

Technical drawings of the chicane will be added soon on this web page. Thank you for your patience.


Total cross section and preliminary cable trays distribution list: TotalCrossSection.xls


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This page was last modified by VB on April 19, 2004.This page has been accessed Hit Counter number of times