Most of these notes are available via the CERN LHCb note archive or EDMS but a list of notes directly related to electronics is given below to allow to get a fast overview of LHCb notes related to electronics. This list is made available on a best possible effort level and is not guaranteed to be complete or fully up to date.
Always refer to EDMS documents when possible instead of LHCb notes as many LHCb notes are old and obsolete as there is no version control.
LHCb electronics as presented in internal CERN training, December 1st 2005
LHCb and its electronics, presented at LEB2000 workshop in Krakow:
Presentation(pdf or ppt), Paper(pdf or doc)An overview of the LHCb experiment, Third Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, London September 1997. Paper PDF, Paper ps, Presentation PDF, Presentation ps
LHCb-2001-014, Requirements to the L0 front-end electronics (pdf )
EDMS715154, Requirements to the L1 front-end electronics.
EDMS 692583, Test, time alignment, calibration and monitoring in the LHCb front-end electronics
LHCb 2001-126, Simulation of the L1 front-end (pdf)
LHCb 2000-021, LHCb FE reset scenarios and their consequences (pdf)
LHCb 99-047, Simulation of the LHCb front-end (pdf)
EDMS 695007, Velo and ST pedestal bank data format
EDMS 694818, VELO and ST error bank data format
EDMS 692431, Velo and ST non-zero suppressed bank data format
EDMS 690585, LHCb VELO and ST clusterization on TELL1
EDMS 690583, ST zero suppressed bank data format
EDMS 656591, TELL1 crate specification and ordering procedure
EDMS 683178, Optical pattern generator
EDMS 487730, TELL1 specifications
EDMS 487728, TELL1 ECS user guide
EDMS 487738, TELL1 VHDL Framework
EDMS 487732, TELL1 Schematics
EDMS 758517, Optical 12 input Receiver Card IF14-1 for the LHCb TELL1 BoardEDMS 520885, Quad gigabit Ethernet plug-in card.
EDMS 683178, Optical pattern generator
EDMS 499933, Raw-data transport format
EDMS 529434, Ethernet test transport format for L1 boards.
LHCb 2004-072, Prototype IF14-1 for an Optical 12 input Receiver Card for the LHCb TELL1 Board (pdf)
(LHCb 2003-137, Prototype for an optical 12 input receiver card for the LHCb TELL1 board (pdf)
LHCb 2004-012, Synchronization of optical links using the GOL with the TLK2501 or StratixGX buffers (pdf)
LHCb 2004-013, Radiation hardness of the optical ribbon transmitter for the level-0 muon trigger (pdf)
LHCb 2004-100, TELL1 : A common readout board for LHCb (pdf)
LHCb 2004-065, The Pattern Generator Card (PGC) to test TELL1 board (pdf)
LHCb 2004-028, HLT and L1T data streams via quad Gigabit Ethernet interfaces (pdf)
LHCb 2003-021. GiGabit Ethernet mezzanines for DAQ and Trigger links of LHCb (pdf)
EDMS folder for counting house
EDMS 479595, Drawing Barrack D1
EDMS 479597, Drawing Barrack D2
EDMS 479599, Drawing Barrack D3
EDMS 549327, Level1 Rack Drawing
EDMS 626005, Drawing racks between D1 and Shielding Wall
EDMS 509241, Cable Trays in D3 and D2 Barrack
EDMS 494096, Prise en compte du risque "fuite d'eau" dans les barraques D1,D2 et D3EDMS folder for racks in cavern
EDMS 615741, Racks in cavern drawings
EDMS 690762, Magnetic stray field measurement in the bunker electronics racksEDMS folder for rack monitoring and control
EDMS 476518, Rack monitoring and control system in LHCb
EDMS folder for detector cabling
EDMS 744108, Cable ducts in LHCb UX85 cavern
EDMS 745643, CAN bus links in LHCb
EDMS 577751, Racks, Patch Panels and common optical links
EDMS 616031, Draft Technical specification for multi-ribbon optical fiber cables for the LHCb experiment
EDMS 616255, Rack,Crate,Board,Connector,Cable Numbering
EDMS 680438, Qualification of the optical links for the data readout in LHCb
EDMS 825877, In situ Bit Error Rate optical fiber tests on installed multi-ribbon cables.
EDMS 638271, Guidelines for the use of Optical fiber cables
EDMS 684292, Patch cord cable length in the D3 racks
For specific sub-detector cabling see under sub-detectorEDMS 721477, LHCb Cable Identification
EDMS 580080, DSS in LHCb
EDMS 754953, Qualification of thermostat for use in magnetic fieldEDMS 480222, COOLING SYSTEMS FOR THE LHC'B DETECTOR AND ITS INFRASTRUCTURE
EDMS 335745, IS 23 Rev. 3 Criteria and Standard Test Methods for the Selection of Electric Cables and Wires with Respect to Fire Safety and Radiation Resistance
EDMS folder for electrical distribution
EDMS 478224, Electrical distribution network for the LHCb experiment.
EDMS 473770, Mains power requirements for the LHCb experiment.EDMS 584310, Grounding, Shielding and Power Distribution in LHCb
EDMS 473833, Grounding network in LHCb.
EDMS 825710, Maraton low voltage power supply tests and commissioning recommendations.
LHCb 2003-083, Radiation background in the LHCb experiment (pdf)
LHCb 2000-015, Simulation of absorbed dose levels at possible locations for LHCb detector electronics, (pdf)
LHCb TDR7. LHCb online system (pdf)
EDMS folder for TFC (with sub folders)
EDMS 338455, Readout Supervisor Design Specifications
EDMS 704081, LHCb Readout Supervisor 'ODIN' - Technical Reference
EDMS 704078, LHCb Readout Supervisor 'ODIN' with a L1 Trigger
EDMS 478756, Specification of the L0DU-ODIN link
EDMS 704084, ODIN Raw Data Format.
EDMS 338596, TFC Switch Specifications
EDMS 579687, LHCb TFC installationLHCb 2003-080, Implementing the L1 trigger path (pdf)
LECC02, Colmar. The final LHCb readout supervisor "ODIN" (pdf)
LHCb-2001-140 . How can I run my detector ? - Readout partitioning and running modes (pdf)
LHCb-2001-018 . TFC switch specifications (pdf)
LHCb-2001-017 . TFC broadcast format (pdf)
LHCb-2001-016 . Timing and fast control (pdf)
LHCb-2001-012 . Readout supervisor design specifications (pdf)
LHCb TDR7. LHCb online system (pdf)
1MHz readout addendum (pdf)EDMS 565851, Raw-data format
EDMS 529434, Ethernet test transport format for L1 boards.
EDMS 499933, Raw-data transport formatEDMS folder for online infrastructure
LHCb 2005-085, An implementation of event-building for LHCb (pdf)
LHCb 2005-085, Software for testing the gigabit Ethernet port of LHCb L1 boards (pdf)
LHCb 2005-084, User manual for LHCb extensions to Ethereal (pdf)
LHCb 2005-062, 1 MHz Readout (pdf)
LHCb 2004 049, On the level1 trigger decision sorter implementation (pdf)
LHCb 2004 041, Evaluation of Switching Equipment for the LHCb Readout Network (pdf)
LHCb 2004-30, Reliability of datagram transmission on Gigabit Ethernet at full link load (pdf)
LHCb 2004-024, Use of Network Processors in the LHCb DAQ Test-Bed (pdf)
LHCb 2003-166, LHCb Online Networking Requirements (pdf)
LHCb 2003- 131, Managing Credit Card PCs (pdf)
LHCb 2003-098, CC-PC Gluecard Application and User's Guide (pdf)
LHCb 2003-079, A common implementation of the Level 1 trigger and HLT Data Acquisition (pdf)
LHCb-2003-063. Raw-data transport format (pdf)
LHCb 2003-014, Raw-data transport format (pdf)
LHCb-2002-006. MCU monitoring and control unit - a networked processor PMC for readout unit (pdf)
LHCb-2002-005. LVDS link cards (Slink) for multiplexers, VELO trigger and other applications in LHCb (pdf)
LHCb 2001-136, Readout Unit-FPGA version for link multipexers, DAQ and VELO trigger (pdf)
LHCb-2001-097 . Online (raw) data format (pdf)
LHCb TDR7. LHCb online system (pdf)
EDMS 500451, Creditcard PC software guide
EDMS 500461, CC-PC Gluecard Application and User's Guide
EDMS 508771, Electronics board IDs in LHCb
EDMS 655828, Guide for ECS FSM design in LHCb detectors
EDMS 732486, LHCb ECS Integration GuidelinesLHCb 2003-056. Glue light - a simple programmable interface between the Credit Card PC and board electronics (pdf)
LHCb-2003-005. Using the SPECS in LHCb (pdf)
LHCb-2003-004. SPECS, The serial protocol for the experiment control system of LHCb (pdf)
LHCb-2001-147 . The use of credit card-sized PCs for interfacing electronics boards to the LHCb ECS (pdf)
LHCb TDR10. LHCb trigger system
EDMS 566457, Latency of the L0 Trigger.
EDMS 637326, The Time Schedule of the L0 Trigger
EDMS 478756, Specification of the L0DU-ODIN linkMuon trigger EDMS folder (with sub-folders)
EDMS 548780, The L0 muon trigger by numbers
EDMS 700414, The level-0 muon trigger cabling in the barrack D3
EDMS 339143, Specification of the muon trigger processing board
EDMS 544412, Specification of the controller board for the muon trigger processor
EDMS 707442, Specification of the backplane for the level-0 muon processor
EDMS 486833, Detailed Specification of the ODE-Muon Trigger interfaceCalorimeter trigger EDMS folder
EDMS 525625, Connections in the L0 Calorimeter Trigger
EDMS 528243, The Optical Transmitters for the LHCb CalorimetersEDMS 528259, Specifications of L0DU trigger input and output
EDMS 803788, Optical Tx Board V1 design
EDMS 803791, Processor Board V1LHCb 2003-071, The Beetle comparator implementation (pdf)
LHCb 2003-066, Test of the first L0DU prototype (pdf)
LHCb 2003-065, Level-0 decision unit for LHCb (pdf)
LECC02, Colmar. Level 0 trigger decision unit for the LHCb experiment (paper.pdf) (transparencies.ppt)
LECC02, Colmar. Design and use of a PPMC processor as shared-memory SCI Note (paper.pdf)
LECC02, Colmar. Pile-up veto L0 Trigger System for LHCb using large FPGA's (paper.pdf) (transparencies.ppt)
LECC02, Colmar. TAGnet - a twisted-pair protocol for event-coherent DMA transfers in trigger farms (paper.pdf) (transparencies.ppt)
LHCb 2002-054. Installation of SCI-PCI adapters : via an embeded CPU on readout units (pdf)
LHCb TDR5. LHCb VELO (pdf)
EDMS 596194, Control and Monitoring of VELO and Pile-Up Level 0 Electronics
EDMS 637676, VELO raw data format and strip numbering.
EDMS 579001, Vertex locator and Pile up Veto long distance cables, patch panels and racks
EDMS 706623, VELO detector safety system requirements
EDMS 706629, VELO InterlocksEDMS 579001, Vertex locator and Pile up Veto long distance cables, patch panels and racks
LHCb 2007-108, Common Mode Correction Algorithms for the LHCb Velo (pdf)
CERN-THESIS-2006-061, Development, Optimisation and Characterisation of a Radiation Hard Mixed-Signal Readout Chip
for LHCb (pdf)
LHCb-2006-001, Radiation Tests of the VELO ECS and Analogue Repeater Mezzanines (pdf)
LHCb-2005-105, The Beetle Reference Manual - chip version 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 (pdf)
LHCb-2005-044, Performance studies of the Beetle1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 chips (pdf)
LHCb-2005-030, Measurement on the veLo analog link system (pdf)
LHCb-2005-021, Absolute calibration of Beetle1.3 test-pulse, noise and header using MIP signals from an ATLAS reference detector (pdf)
LHCb 2004 086 , Tests on the VeLo analogue transmission line with the TELL1 prototype RB3 (pdf)
LHCb 2003 135, Performance of a Beetle 1.2 chip reading out a Micron PR03 R measuring sensor (pdf)
LHCb 2003-133, First measurement of the performance of a Beetle1.2 chip reading out a VELO sensor (pdf)
LHCb 2003-109, A L1 buffer implementation with DSP technology for LHCb readout board (pdf)
LHCb 2003-087, LHCb VELO Module Design (pdf)
LHCb 2003-069, Characteristics of 16 Beetle1.1 chips on a VELO hybird (pdf)
LHCb 2003-033, A Measurement of the SCTA_VELO signal-to-noise performance on a full-size hybrid (pdf)
LHCb-2002-055, The Beetle Reference Manual - chip version 1.2 (pdf)
LHCb 2002-053, Investigation of the Beetle.1.1 chip in the X7 testbeam (pdf)
LHCb 2002-051Qualification of the off-detector VELO electronics using testbeam data (pdf)
LECC02, Colmar. Performance of the Beetle Readout Chip for LHCb (paper.pdf) (transparencies.ppt)
LHCb 2002-052, Common Level-1 Board (pdf).
LHCb 2002-035. The calibration of the SCT128A ASIC signal-to-noise performance using Am241 and Co57 radioactive sources (pdf).
LHCb 2002-033. Tests on the L1-electronics board prototype RB2 (pdf)
LHCb 2002-022. The calibration of the SCTA-128A signal to noise performance using an americium radioactive source (pdf)
LHCb-2001-124 . Vertex detector electronics : L1 electronics system issues (pdf)
LHCb-2001-072 . A long analog transmission line for the VELO read-out (pdf)
LHCb 2001-067 Test of VELO detectors FE chips using the ODE-PP (pdf)
LHCb-2001-057 . Vertex Detector Electronics : ODE pre-prototype. (pdf)
LHCb-2001-050 . Vertex detector electronics : RB3 specification (pdf)
LHCb-2001-049 . Characterization of the Beetle-1.0 Front End Chip. (pdf)
LHCb-2001-048 . Specifications of the Front End Chip for the LHCb Vertex Detector. (pdf)
LHCb-2001-046 . The Beetle Reference Manual. (pdf)
LHCb-2001-045 . SCTA_VELO. (pdf)
LHCb-2001-044 . ECS interface to VELO L0 front-end electronics. (pdf)
LHCb-2001-043 . LHCb VELO off detector electronics preprocessor and interface to the level 1 trigger (pdf)
LHCb-2001-041 . The performance of the SCT128A ASIC when reading out irradiated and non-irradiated VELO prototype detectors. (pdf)
LHCb-2001-037 . Investigation of characteristics and radiation hardness of the Beetle 1.0 front-end chip. (pdf)
LHCb-2001-015 . Proposal for the LHCb outer tracker front-end electronics. (pdf)
LHCb-2000-012 . Vertex detector electronics : ODE to ECS interface. (pdf)
LHCb-98-071 . Irradiation tests with neutrons of the Harris HFA1212 buffer. (pdf)
LHCb 98-069 Vertex detector electronics - L1 electronics prototyping (pdf)
LHCb 98-052 Vertex Detector Electronics - Timing and Synchronisation Issues (pdf)
LHCb TDR3. RICH technical design report (pdf)
Readout electronics EDMS folder
EDMS 492255, The Readout Electronics of the LHCb RICH Detector, Electronics System Review
EDMS 564450, Use of SPECS in RICH
EDMS 696530, The RICH Pixel INTerface (PINT) chip - User Manual
EDMS 707750, Level-0 environmental test procedureEDMS 579013, Rich 1 long distance cables, patch panels and racks
EDMS 579015, Rich 2 long distance cables, patch panels and racksLHCb-2006-030, LHCb RICH L-0 Interface Module (pdf)
LHCb-2006-003, Overview of the RICH Optical Data Link and Evaluation of its Optical Attenuation (pdf)
LHCb 2004-071, Requirements for Monitoring and Control of the RICH Detectors (pdf)
LHCb 2003-032, LHCBPIX1 chip: wafer probing procedure, chip classification and results (pdf)
LHCb 2002-048. Performance of hybrid photon detector prototypes with encapsulated silicon pixel detector and readout for the RICH counters of LHCb (pdf)
LHCb-2000-075 . Level-0 electronics for the LHCb rich. (pdf)
LHCb-2000-074 . LHCb electronics - requirements, specifications and implementation. (pdf)
LHCb TDR8. Inner tracker (pdf)
EDMS 579005, Trigger tracker long distance cables, patch panels and racks
EDMS 578999, Inner tracker long distance cables, patch panels and racksFor details on Beetle look under VELO.
LHCb-2006-033, Channel Numbering and Readout partitioning for the Silicon Tracker (pdf)
LHCb-2005-064, Production of the LHCb Silicon Tracker Readout Electronics (pdf)
LHCb-2005-061, Hybrid Design, Procurement and Testing for the LHCb Silicon Tracker (pdf)
LHCb-2005-032, A radiation tolerant fiber-optic readout system for the LHCb Silicon Tracker (pdf)
LHCb-2005-029, Noise considerations of the Beetle amplifier used with long silicon strip detectors (pdf)
LHCb-2004-101, Grounding, Shielding and Power Distribution for the LHCb Silicon Tracking; Bauer (pdf)
CERN-Thesis-2005-025, An Optical Readout System for the LHCb Silicon Tracker; (pdf)
LHCb 2004-044, Raw data format and readout partitioning for the Silicon Tracker (pdf)
LHCb 2004-037, Results of proton irradiation of components for the LHCb Silicon Tracker (pdf)
LHCb 2003-155, Studies of the Beetle 1.2 Pipeline Homogeneity (pdf)
LHCb 2003-128, Characterization and sample testing of the LHC4913 positive voltage regulator for the LHCb Silicon Tracker (pdf)
LHCb 2003-049. Neutron irradiation results for the LHCb silicon tracker data readout system components (pdf)
LHCb 2003-045, A prototype for the LHCb silicon tracker data readout system (pdf)
LECC02, Colmar. Development of the Inner Tracker Detector Electronics for LHCb (paper.pdf) (transparencies.ppt)
LHCb 2002-068. Development of the Inner Tracker detector electronics for LHCb (pdf)
LHCb 2002-062. The LHCb Inner Tracker data readout system (pdf)
LHCb 2002-057. A prototype hybrid for beetle1.1(pdf)
LHCb 2002-018. First measurements on Inner Tracker silicon prototype sensors using the BEETLE v1.1 readout chip (pdf)
LHCb TDR6. Outer tracker Technical design report (pdf)
EDMS 578925, Outer tracker long distance cables, patch panels and racks
LHCb-2005-031, Outer Tracker Level 1 Data Format (pdf)
LHCb-2004-120, Study of the Global Performance of an LHCb OT Front-End Electronics Prototype (pdf)
LHCb 2004-117, Noise Studies with the LHCb Outer Tracker ASDBLR Board (pdf)
LHCb 2004-073, Specifications IF13-1 Prototype of the Auxiliary Board for the Outer Tracker (pdf)
LHCb 2004-033, Outer Tracker DAQ Data Format (pdf)
LHCb 2003-129, Specifications for a prototype of the auxiliary board for the Outer Tracker (pdf)
LHCb 2003-041. Address scheme for the Outer Tracker FE electronics (pdf)
LECC02, Colmar. OTIS - A Radiation Hard TDC for LHCb (paper.pdf), (transparencies.ppt)
LHCb-2001-013 . The LHCb Outer Tracker readout electronics (pdf)
LHCb-2000-054 . Study of operational properties of the ASDBLR chip for the LHCb Outer Tracker (pdf)
LHCb TDR 2. LHCb calorimeters (pdf)
Calorimeter general electronics EDMS folder
EDMS 527942: The Readout of the LHCb Calorimeters
EDMS: 528947: Optics links from Calorimeter front-end crateEcal/Hcal electronics EDMS folder
PS/SPD electronics EDMS folder
EDMS 699281, Optical and Electrical cabling of the PS/SPD system
EDMS 699289, Numbering Convention of the PS/SPD System
EDMS 720268, SPD Front End Chip
EDMS 722419, SPD's LVPS Technical informationEDMS 578930, Calorimeter long distance cables, patch panels and racks
LHCb-2005-046, Calorimeter and SPECS Component Irradiation at PSI in June 2005 (pdf)
LHCb 2004-42, Discriminator ASIC for the SPD VFE of the LHCb calorimeter (pdf)
LHCb 2004-008, Calorimeter ReadOut Card (CROC) design (pdf)
LHCb 2003-162, Radiation tests of Preshower electronics components during year 2003 (pdf)
LHCb 2003-150, Design of PMT base for the LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter (pdf)
LHCb 2003-132, Pulseshape simulation and implementation for the calorimeter system (pdf)
LHCb 2003-121, Cards, crates and connections for the calorimeters. (pdf)
LHCb 2003-120, The validation card for the calorimeter triggers (pdf)
LHCb 2003-095, The selection crate for the L0 calorimeter trigger (pdf)
LHCb 2003-068, Front-end electronics for LHCb preshower trigger part (pdf)
LHCb 2003-038, The LHCb calorimeter front-end crate (pdf)
LHCb 2003-037, The trigger part of the calorimeter front-end card (pdf)
LHCb 2003-036. Functional specification of the PGAs for the ECAL/HCAL Front-End card (pdf)
LHCb 2003-031, Proposed Online Data Formats for the Calorimeters (pdf)
LHCb 2003-018, Experimental Study of a Preshower Module and its Readout System - Testbeam and Testbench Results (pdf)
LECC02, Colmar. Front-end Electronics for the LHCb preshower (paper.pdf) (transparencies.ppt)
LECC02, Colmar. A BiCMOS Synchronous Pulse Discriminator for the LHCb Calorimeter System (paper.pdf) (transparencies.ppt)
LHCb 2002-021. LHCb calorimeter front-end electronics radiation dose and single event effects (pdf)
LHCb 2002-015. Cards and crates layout for the calorimeter front-end electronics (pdf)
LHCb 2002-002. LHCb ECAL/HCAL front-end chip. (pdf)
LHCb-2000-048 . Front-end electronics for LHCb preshower. (pdf)
LHCb-2000-047 . Very front-end electronics for the LHCb preshower. (pdf)
LHCb-2000-046 . The readout of the LHCb calorimeters. (pdf)
LHCb-2000-028 . The front-end electronics for LHCb calorimeters. (pdf)
LHCb-2000-026 . LHCb preshower signal characteristics. (pdf)
LHCb-2000-018 . The selection crates for the L0 calorimeters trigger (pdf)
LHCb-2000-010 . The front-end electronics for the calorimeter triggers. (pdf)
LHCb TDR 4. Muon system technical design report (pdf)
EDMS 582832, Requirements for the LHCb Muon Crates and Power Supplies
EDMS 578936, Muon long distance cables, patch panels and racks
Thesis, Instruments for calibration and monitoring of the LHCb Muon Detector (pdf)
LHCb 2004-055, Detailed Specification of the ODE-Muon Trigger interface (pdf)
LHCb 2004-012, Synchronization of optical links using the GOL with the TLK2501 or StratixGX buffers (pdf)
LHCb 2004-013, Radiation hardness of the optical ribbon transmitter for the level-0 muon trigger (pdf)
LHCb 2004-006, The LVPS requirements for the LHCb muon detector on-chamber FEE. (pdf)
LHCb 2003-026. Front-End Electronics Test System Status Information (pdf)
LHCb 2003-023. Muon Off-Detector electronics: The IB system (pdf)
LHCb 2003-016, Dialog-beta data sheet (pdf)
LHCb-2003-008 . High speed ribbon optical link for the level 0 muon trigger (pdf)
LHCb 2002-072, Single effects Actel AX FPGA (pdf)
LHCb 2002-040. One universal LHCb muon amplifier chip versus two (pdf)
LHCb 2002-014. ASDQ++ front-end board for the MWPC readout of the LHCb muon system (pdf)
LHCb 2002-003. Specification of the muon trigger processing board (pdf)
LHCb 2001-064, Measurement Results of the First CARIOCA Front-end Version for the Cathode Readout (pdf)
LHCb-2001-063 . The SYNC chip in the Off-Detector Eletronics of the LHCb muon system (pdf)
LHCb-2001-062 . DIALOG: a chip for the muon detector front-end and logic (pdf)
LHCb-2001-030 . Muon Detector Front-end Architecture: an update (pdf)
LHCb-2001-010 . A synchronous architecture for the L0 muon trigger. (pdf)
LHCb-2000-093 . CARIOCA - a fast binary front-end implemented in 0.25um CMOS using a Novel current-mode technique for the LHCb muon detector. (pdf)
LHCb-2000-017 . Muon detector front-end architecture. (pdf)
Testing of LHC electronics (pdf).
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on August 07, 2007. This
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